Thursday 4 October 2012

Living life

The MS Society magazine MS Matters had a great interview with a fellow MS-er recently in which she said that if she could do it all again she would "have fun while she could" and her words really resonated with me.
It has been no secret that the start of 2012 was very difficult, I went through two successive relapses and suffered quite a lot of pain. But thankfully  in recent weeks I have been feeling much more like 'myself' and have found that I have been able to do so much more than usual.
Fridays are a good marker for me because they are at the end of a working week and it's also my day with Charlotte. At the start of the year there wasn't much we could do without me feeling knackered or sore. Even giving her a bath was a chore.
But the last few Fridays have been so different. Besides giving her a bath I am able to wash floors, prepare lunch and dinner, bake a cake, do some drawing or crafts and still have energy left come 7pm.
To anyone else this probably doesn't seem too out of the ordinary but for me it feels like a miracle.
Today I was out gardening with Charlotte and Joe, a task I have avoided in the past, not just because of the hard labour required but because I can't stand dirt in my nails!! But the words of the interview struck a cord and I decided life was too short to sit watching. Instead I got involved. The sun was shining, Charlotte was running and laughing about with our new kitten, I was planting bulbs which will hopefully flower in the Spring ... it just felt simply lovely to be enjoying  life with my precious family.
So, while I can, I am striving to live life to the very best of my ability ... while I can, because no-one knows what tomorrow will bring.

PS. that also includes a weekend away with the girls for a hen do next weekend, where I intend to wear high heels, get glammed up and drink champagne. That's what I call fun :)